In memory of John. Rest in Peace.
In memory of John. Gone but not forgotten.
May you rest in peace John
May this gift help others in need, as John always did.
Rest in peace, John.
In warm memory of John
For John
With love and thoughts of Susie Cooper and her children Tom, Will, Alice and Sophie Adams.
Forever Remembered with Love.
In memory of a delightful man who was a credit to HM Prison Service.
Now at peace John - sleep well.
Thinking of you all
Rest in Peace John Forever in our Heart
To john The salvation army are such a worthwhile cause and deserve all they receive
It was delightful to see dear John in his Salvation Army hat and it brings back many memories. We all attended the Salvation Army services and we all knelt at the 'Mercy Seat'. May the light of God always shine upon John. Brother David
Your Mum would be so proud of you.x
Dear Daddy, I know the Salvation Army was so special to you and your darling mum. You will be loved and missed.